Tsundere Translations

Websites are under heavy construction.
For releases, reviews, and news, please go to Tsundere Translations.

Nothing to see here, people. Move along. I don't know what I want to do with this page right now. You want to go to Tsundere Translations. I can't help but notice that you haven't clicked and gone to Tsundere Translations yet. Why haven't you gone to Tsundere Translations yet!? GO!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

100th post! Tried Advertising on 4chan again... and Shoujo-Ai.com too

Dear you fortunate yuri loving interwebber,

With every advertisement is a new introduction, as I now expect higher traffic. I would hope... on with the post! (Edit: link is now dead)

Hi! I'm Tsundere Yuriko. I upload tons of yuri and tag it. Here you will find only yuri, and no straight or funtanari or other stuff. Everything is carefully tagged by me so you always know what you are reading.

My database constantly grows. I'm always on the lookout for new additions.

Edited dates and numbers, May 7:
I also translate. As of this very moment of May 7 2009, I have 3 translations complete and 3 pending completion. (Translations are done, but the editor is taking their time.)

Beotkkot, who hopped on board starting with my second translation, is an experienced editor who teamed up with me in name of all things great and yuri to deliver into you great doujin translations for free.

We decided to do a Lucky Star doujin as our 6th release... if I can find one. Accepting requests and submissions: Lucky Star, preferably non adult. So, c'mon, don't be shy, send one in!
Edit: We chose one. It is called Selfish 2. Expect it's release any day now.

Explore the blog, kick back, and dig into some high quality pure yuri. I made a lot of news posts recently, so just scroll down to check out all of my collected releases. Catch you later!

Right. This is my 100th post if anyone cares. (faked cheering)



  1. *Cheers*
    It's not fake anymore lol
    How long have you been doing this all, by the way? o.O

  2. My first Doujin upload was February 13. My first translation release was February 16. Uploaded over 80 various English translated Doujins I found, currently sorting through stuff to upload more, and threw up a ton of links, and completed 3 translations, currently finishing 3 more and starting a 7th. Not bad for 3 months, hm?


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