Welcome to the new main menu!
First of all, the old Yuri resource website where I post most of the stuff I find has moved. Now it's
From now on,
TsundereYuriko.blogspot.com directs you here. At this page, you can access each blog and my news posts. This also finally gives me the spot I wanted for news.
If you followed me before, or if you are looking to follow me, this would be the page to follow. I'll post every new doujin, upload, translation, etc, update here, and link it, so you won't miss a thing.
Sometimes I ask myself why I made so many different blogs. Well, there's a lot of stuff! Rather than have a million different tags to click, having several differentiated blogs helps reduce your search time. I think it works out that way.
All news posts will be here. Soon, I'll start doing some reviews or something. Surprised I haven't written any yet. I'm not that great of a writer, but this is my blog, and I can still write whatever I want!
Yi is currently hard at work on our new manga. There will be a post about here when it's done. I'm going back to work on more Itoshi wo Tome now. A chapter or two of that, then I'll maybe I'll start Gokujo, then back to chapter 2 of our new manga again. Good stuff won't stop coming your way!
Also... I just want to say a little thing about me. This is the biggest side project I have ever had. And usually when I start something, I never finish it. TsundereTranslations has been a first for me! I've finally found something I can commit to and complete. I look at my completed scripts and the final products, then I enjoy reading all your comments and everything you have to say. It's you guys who helped me keep going. Beotkkot, Yi, and every encouraging reader here... thank you. I've come a long way, all thanks to you!
And what we need from you:
Check out my wicked coding skills! Look at that table! Yes, it is sad. I only know how to code tables, links, and pictures. If anyone out there is proficient with html and wants to spruce up my layout, give a shout!
Remember we are open to submissions, most particularly from anonymous translators and translators without a website. I won't accept anything else from a website I already link to. Help build the blog! Also, I want to start an art gallery sometime containing original user created art. Submit some original yuri-ish works, and I'd be happy to put it on display here!
If you need a blog of mine to follow, follow this one! Don't forget the Twitter too! Hope the new menu here is useful! Please report any broken links to me as a result of the move! Thanks in advance!
PS: We miss you Beotkkot! Please come back!